Don’t Do It! Today Is Not Your Day To Die!


Don’t Do It! Today Is Not Your Day To Die!

Right now you may be very angry because of great injustice. You may be outraged at what has been done to you. You may feel justified to take your own life and maybe even the lives of others. You may be feeling like life isn’t worth living anymore. Everything is so messed up that it is unfixable.

Don’t do it! Today is not your day to die! Nor is it a day for anyone else to die by your own doing.

God knows your heart. He has seen the magnitude of your pain. You thought no one noticed. But you are reading this right now. It is because God has drawn you. And you don’t know why. The finger of God is touching your heart right now. You are going to live. You are going to have another chance on life. May the Breath of Life breathe into your heart a new life!

There are others who face the question of whether or not to live today. Right now, today, you are all by yourself. Alone. The curtains are shut. Your room is dark. The door is closed. No one else is around. But your aloneness is only symbolic of the complete brokenness of your heart. It is as if it has been thrown down and it has shattered into thousands of tiny pieces. You feel crushed beyond repair. You feel like you have been cut off. Cut off from a relationship. Cut off from family. Cut off by people you thought loved you. Cut off by society. You have been humiliated, shamed, and even scorned. You feel unworthy of being helped. You don’t feel worthy of any relationship. And you may not even feel worthy to be loved at all.

Don’t do it! Today is not your day to die!

May the soft, comforting Wind of Heaven breathe life into your soul and surround you in Divine Love! May it mend together the pieces of your heart in Pure Tenderness. Your heart is getting a second chance. You thought no one noticed. But God knows the deepest thoughts of your heart. He knows and understands the rejection and shame you feel. You do not have to feel worthy to receive God’s Love. He chose to love you just like you are. He knows all your faults and He loves anyway. Because He chose to love you. On purpose. Let the Holy Spirit heal you like a warm liquid on the inside of you.

Maybe you are at the end of you rope today. You may feel as if you are being torn to pieces in every direction. You are weighted down with anxiety. You are bent over in your heart with a heavy burden. You may feel hopelessly worried, overcome with anxiety, full of fear with gripping strength, and struck with panic. You feel like you are totally out of control—like you are beyond hope.

Don’t do it! Today is not your day to die!

May the Mighty Hand of God give you support. May the Mighty Wind of the Holy Spirit blow the cares, worries, anxieties, and fears from out of your heart and mind. May the Light of Heaven shine new hope onto the big screen of your heart. May you be filled with a new outlook on life. God Almighty knew your every thought before you were ever born. You were ready to give up your life. But don’t do that. Instead, give up your cares, worries, anxieties, and fears to God. Say it out loud, “I can’t handle all this. I give it up to You. Help me now.” Feel the cleansing power right now. It’s dissolving all the things that weighed you down. God will give you a new hope today. You will have a new expectation that somehow everything is going to work out.

Or maybe you are the one who is reading this blog through the many tears. Tremendous grief and overwhelming sorrow have been your lot in life. Recently you have experienced yet another devastating loss. You are almost beyond tears. You have to face Despair every day. Every day seems gloomier than the rest. You cannot imagine losing any more. You feel as if your life has dwindled to nothing. You have come to the end of yourself. All hope is gone. There is nothing to live for anymore.

Don’t do it! Today is not your day to die!

May the Lord of Comfort hold you close. May the Spirit of Love move like a soft breeze inside your heart and dry your tears from the inside out. May the warm Oil of Heaven heal your heart with tender kindness and never-failing mercy. May the Light of Heaven glow inside of you. May the Bread of Life nourish your soul and fill all the empty places. May your sorrow be turned into joy.

To anyone else considering suicide—to those who are in a condition I did not describe—I have some words for you:

Don’t do it! Today is not your day to die!

Lord, you know these people inside and out. You know their thoughts and intentions. You know their pain, their hurt, their struggles, their stories, and their justification for arriving at a day and a time to end it all. May the All-Knowing, All-Powerful God who is Lord and Master of the Universe show Himself to be real on your behalf right now! May the God of Miracles touch your life and make your outlook on life—your perspective—brand new! You may not understand any of this. That’s ok. Give life another chance and watch for the Living God to prove Himself real to you!

Why am I writing this? In the 1990s my life fell apart. Everything I counted important in my life—that I had worked so hard to accomplish—failed miserably. I failed at so many things all at once that I came to the conclusion that my life wasn’t worth living anymore. I was not even worthy to be a human being on this planet. I was going to end it all. But God made himself real to me. And God sent people my way. Things I couldn’t explain happened. I got a verse God gave me. It has helped me many times:

I will not die; instead, I will live to tell what the Lord has done.
–Psalm 118:17 (New Living Translation)

I got that verse in 2001 in an Emergency Room, waiting for a diagnosis: “You will not die, but live”. Hours later I found out I had an acute form of Leukemia and I was given a 50-50 chance of living. Twenty-something years later I am still alive. I have new hope. I have purpose. And I love being alive. Every day is fresh and new—a gift from God. Amazing.

So you see the second part of that verse? “I will live to tell what the Lord has done.” And that is my purpose for being alive. It’s so I can tell others how God fixed my mess. He saved me from death. He gave me new hope. I’m alive so other people can know that God will do the same thing for them. He’ll take your mess and in exchange give you a new life and a new hope. It’s a great deal!

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