
Welcome to Duct Tape Rx – Patches for a Broken World!

My name is Greg Miller. Most of you will know me for some of my crazy birding exploits. But this blog represents a different side of me. I’ve been through a lot of tough times in my life. My hope is that you will not have to face the same things I did. But if you do, there is a way out. You might find some help here. This is the place where I will share with you some things that have helped me along the way.

If you’ve got a perfectly good life and never need any help, then bravo for you. But you should note that you will not find this site useful. This is a place for those of you who have struggled (or are currently struggling) with life. Gripping fears, the discomfort of the unknown, those stricken with worry, the overwhelmed, the brokenhearted, the outcast, the lonely, and the forgotten. If you feel like life is unfair and you’ve been jilted, overlooked or ignored by many people, or let down, or wronged. Well, now you are getting the picture.

That is quite a list. But life itself is quite a list of unexpected surprises that often leave you feeling raw. I am just a normal guy. I have no position in any Church. I am not selling anything here. And I certainly do not have all of life’s answers. I am only doing this so that some of you may find hope—a ray of light in your own experience. Enough to get you going. Enough to bring you soul satisfaction. Enough to make you smile.

-Greg Miller

April 4, 2015

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Thank you for the encouraging article. I am going through a tough time right now and it spoke to me.
    Dr. Greg Hauenstein, President, MINTS International Seminary.
    I am also a novice birder.


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