A Good Word for 2017 – Isaiah 61:11

We are on the leading edge of the largest move of the Holy Spirit this generation has ever witnessed! Churches large and small all over the world will find renewed hope! Pastors and leaders will be reinvigorated! Lay persons everywhere will rise up and will be empowered by the Holy Spirit! And this wave of miraculous love will spill out into everyone’s world! Signs and wonders will happen at businesses, in stores, and on the streets! The blind will see! The deaf will hear! The poor and oppressed will be blessed! The Good News of Christ will be heard throughout the world with miracles as proof of God’s love! 

You may be reading this and at the start you are excited. But after reading this you may doubt yourself and wonder if this means you will be involved. Don’t worry! You read this. This is your wake up call. Start like this: “Here I am Lord. Your servant is listening”

You are His sheep. You listen to His voice. He calls you by name. You follow Him. It is what Jesus says about you. (John 10) And He says you *know* His voice. And the voice of a stranger you do not follow because you don’t recognize it.

Some of you already feel a little kick of hope. Some of you are already feeling a tug. That’s the Holy Spirit in you. It’s your invitation. God is calling you to be a part of His grand plan. Today is the day. Be like Mary when you receive a promise from God. Say “Be it unto me as You have spoken!”

You’ve heard preachers say that being a Christian is a relationship between God and you. But how many times when you pray do you do all the talking? What kind of relationship is that? One-sided. God is with you all of the time–every moment of every day. Listen and hear. If you have a question, then ask. But listen for His reply.

Maybe you don’t think you are very connected to the spirit realm. But you are. Are you ever tempted? Where do you think that comes from? Temptations usually come as thoughts or urges or ideas in your head. How does God speak? We read in Scriptures of Divine Appearances and audible voices. But most often it is just like the temptations–in your thoughts. So how can you tell the difference? Does it make you feel guilty? Does it sound accusatory? Does it make you want to run away from God? All these things are the wrong thoughts. Or does it encourage, inspire, or comfort you? And does it make you want to go to God? These are the good ones. Listen to those. Still not sure? Ask God to open your eyes to see His handiwork in your life. You will be amazed!

I am excited about what has in store for all of us in 2017!